Talk to a genius. Or a few of them. Our Savants are ready and willing to get your idea, and you where they need to be.



  • We are going to save you years, yes years of development time.

    At the early stage of an idea, you have no data. All anyone starts with is expert ideation and vague druthers.

    One genius, who has actually put some real skin in the game on their own projects, and has a bit of compassion for the difficulty of doing something new can save you lifetimes of failed starts and expensive missteps.

    We’re here to help and we’re willing to take you seriously.

  • Sliding scale. Some savants do free consults and you can try signing up but they book up fast.

    There are three monthly subscription tiers, and if you don’t use your consults they expire. See pricing on signup flow.

  • Yes. We’re pretty picky about clients actually.

    For one thing, the savants won’t talk to just anyone, you got to be doing something interesting.

    For another, you don’t usually pay us enough to do it for the money. We do it because we like you and want you to succeed which is the right reason to do anything.

    Which means you got to be making the world a better place, one we want our kids, our pet iguana, or our favorite algae to live in.

  • No we’re actually pretty relentlessly nice.

    But a genius being nice to you can feel like getting your toenails removed with pliers. You want real advice, and radical honestly get ready to have your idea scoured clean.

    As our favorite yoga teacher says: “Gentle doctors make stinking wounds.”