You know who you are. If you’re here then we’ve already met in the real world, and this is just the start of an even more enjoyable journey. Get started below.



  • The short version is its sliding scale, the long version is you tell us.

    Some of us work for free, some of us only on the high end, some of us normally get paid in mountains so they donate their pay to the Techrentice program or Empulsive Ink.

    Clients pay what they can, platform takes a flat 7% fee.

  • Look we reserve the right to say who we think is a Savant worth working with. We have our own opaque logic for that. We only ask that you are infinitely patient, kind, and helpful to all Clients, other Savants, and the Techrentices.

    You can be informal with us. We give as good as we get :)

  • You have no idea how amazeballs it’s going to be.

    Thank us later.

  • Yeah we get it, you want to take a vacation to Chile, tend to your pet rat, never talk to a human again (until you change your mind), start another company, whatever…

    Just take a pause. We don’t ghost clients but you can always stop taking consults.

    Do this on your own schedule. The whole thing is designed to let you work, and create, flexibly.

    The whole point is that you get paid to do what you already do, which is help people who just need a very little amount of time and direction to avoid some very long, hard, mistakes.